Blog Archives SFAI Design Workshop SFAI is happy to announce a hugely successful Design Workshop this summer! Design Workshop is an immersive, one-month, introductory design and building workshop for high…Robert InnisJuly 1, 2017
Blog Archives Youth Mural Workshop June 22-23 | 9AM-3PM | 1600 St. Michaels Dr. | Free Registration Below DESCRIPTION Join us for a free 2-day…Robert InnisJune 13, 2017
Blog Archives SFAI BLOG: HOLY WATER BY AURVI SHARMA, SFAI WATER RIGHTS RESIDENT My history, like the land I grew up on, is tangled in the bends of dying rivers. I’m…Robert InnisJune 1, 2017
Blog Archives SFAI Blog: Creativity in a Time of Injustice BY KOURTNEY ANDAR, SFAI WORKS MANAGER & VETERANS FOR PEACE NATIONAL BOARD VICE PRESIDENT Emory Douglas, circa 1971 Take a moment to think back on…Robert InnisMay 3, 2017
Blog Archives SFAI Blog : Why it Matters to Publicly Fund Art BY SFAI EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, JAMIE BLOSSER As SFAI Executive Director, I am excited to launch our inaugural SFAI Blog Post! The SFAI Blog is intended…Robert InnisApril 6, 2017
SFAI in the News Holly Keasey: Santa Fe Art Institute Water Rights Residency Introduction Holly Keasey: Santa Fe Art Institute Water Rights Residency Introduction, The Center for Sustainable Practice in the Arts, February 15, 2017Robert InnisFebruary 15, 2017
SFAI in the News Justice In Process Justice in Process: With an eye towards intersectionality, Santa Fe Art ...Robert InnisFebruary 13, 2017