Tiger Toe Collective/
Rebecca Berdel
Heather Robinson

Rebecca and Heather (aka Tiger Toe Collective) met at an adult summer camp where they instantly bonded over their love of play, sports and all forms of creativity. While painting each other’s faces, they hatched a plot to make the world a more just and fun place.Rebecca is a creative professional specializing in animation, illustration, typography and visual art that doesn’t take itself too seriously. She is driven by a sense of play and helping others feel permission to let their creative, goofball flags fly. While in Chicago she spent several summers facilitating campouts for kids in their local parks. Rebecca loves helping kids of all ages unleash their messy creativity, learn to trust their instincts, and take responsibility for themselves and the natural environment. Heather is a bounce house of fun dedicated to facilitating play, recreational opportunities and helping people discover their bodies are a joyful place to be. She’s a writer, fitness coach, play facilitator, creator and glue gun cowgirl. Heather is a certified strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) and earned her master’s in recreation, parks and tourism from San Francisco State University, with an emphasis in encouraging women’s active leisure. She is interested in using the creative process and play to explore physical culture and mind/body/feeling relationships. Rebecca and Heather are a dynamic duo combining sports and art in unique ways. They’re collaborative energies unleash Tiger Toe Collective whose mission is to facilitate empowering play and active creativity.


Equal Justice 2017/2018


Santa Fe, NM USA
San Francisco, CA USA