Pod Liminal /
Joshua Adler
Syrus Marcus Ware
Melisse Watson

Joshua Adler, Syrus Marcus Ware, and Melisse Watson come together as a collective of individuals with decades of experience leading public programs for institutional and community settings. Together, they seek to build methodologies for change that combine the experience of activists and community organizers with the skills and resources of professional artists and artist-networks. They are based respectively in Brooklyn, Toronto and Vancouver. Joshua Adler is currently senior researcher for National Geographic’s Emmy-winning Explorer television series. He is also Community Director for the Shantigar Foundation, and has programmed cultural events in NYC for over 10 years. He is also poet-in-residence for the U.S. Dept of Arts and Culture. Writings here.


Equal Justice 2017/2018


Brooklyn, NY USA
Toronto, ON Canada
Vancouver, BC Canada