Miguel Torhton

Miguel Torhton is a Mexican writer and professor. As a Fulbright Scholar, he completed a Master in Public Policy from George Washington University. He has worked for over a decade as a professional ghostwriter but has devoted himself to fiction writing as a sustained creative practice.

He recently finished a project titled Xolo Alphabet, a work of fiction that uses the form of an alphabet book to tell stories at the intersection between pre-Hispanic mythologies and antiracism, colonialism and sovereignty in the migratory history between Mexico and the US, animal consciousness and Xoloitzcuintles — in particular, he documents the mysterious presences of two xolas named Rufina and Damiana, beautiful hairless dogs that are the author’s daily inspiration. His current interests are the underlying narrative structures of mystery novels, the Latin American gothic, and state-sponsored science fiction. Miguel is writing the story of a Mazahua curandera and her daughter, who disappeared after defeating her family destiny.


2024 Sovereignty




Mexico City, Mexico