Kerry Ann Lee

Kerry Ann Lee is an artist, designer and educator from Aotearoa, New Zealand who creates multi-media installations, print and image-based works that are site-specific and socially engaged. As Creative Director of Asian Aotearoa Arts Hui 2018 and Senior Lecturer at Massey University College of Creative Arts (CoCA), Lee works with diverse communities through collaborative projects, mentoring and public programmes. She is also well known for her work with independent publishing and fanzines over the past 20 years. As an artist of third-generation Chinese decent in New Zealand, Lee’s work reimagines the complex cultural terrain between ‘East’ and ‘West’ through diasporic culture clash occurring in the Pacific. As a ‘visual translator of underground histories and social narratives’, Lee facilitating cross-cultural conversations to connect people to each ‘other’ through nuanced transnational perspectives. In the book, Unstuck in Time, curator Andrew Kennedy writes: “(Lee) creates a strange social space where the individual object/landscape’s history succumbs to the whole. These objects work to create an ecosphere of memory and experience”. Art critic Mark Amery describes her work as “feeling at once global and deeply personal”. Lee regularly exhibits nationally and internationally and has undertaken residencies in China, Taiwan, USA, Mexico and Australia. A recently commissioned work is Return to Skyland (2018) for the National Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa.


2020 Labor



Mount Victoria, Wellington New Zealand