Yen-Cheng Wu

For Yen-Cheng Wu, the vitality of cultural exploration, the investigation of life, and the representation of natural phenomena form the essence of his work. His perennial creative approach is that of constant itinerant observation. By engaging in relocations, he reshapes scenes, thus altering established viewpoints. Roaming and traversing diverse landscapes, his artistic perspective infuses his work with a whimsical and humorous painting style, infusing visuals with elements of fantasy, consequently transforming our familiar world into a realm of mystery and wonder. Commencing in 2013, Yen-Cheng embarked on a decade-spanning “Here is Where We Meet” island-wide art residency project in Taiwan, utilizing the residency concept to intimately comprehend his surroundings. Through these residencies, he aimed to glean insights into the intricate relationships between humanity, nature, and the environment. Currently residing and working in Taipei, he will participate in an art residency program at the Santa Fe Art Institute in New Mexico, USA, during the Fall of 2023.


2023 Taiwan Ministry of Culture Fellow
2023 Changing Climate Resident


