Eva Rocha
Eva Rocha is a multimedia artist from Brazil, with a Brazilian and an American citizenship. Her experiences in performance and theater in São Paulo, Brazil, with notable international dramaturges, carries through her visceral forms and her development of a corporeal language. Rocha’s research in Cultural Studies and Arts in Brazil, the US and Peru in the the undergrad level, and MFA in Kinetic Imaging, inform her cross-disciplinary exploration on the embodiment of personal/collective disruption and its archiving in the historic and contemporary artifacts.
Rocha work emerges from her diverse set of life experiences working with indigenous communities, migrating workers and victims of forced migration. Her work surges from an aesthetic that refers to historical events while exploring current social issues. Her work, which combines elements of performance, sculpture, set design, and video installation, comments on the fragmentation of personal/collective memory. It has been shown in special exhibitions in museums in the US and Latin America.
Equal Justice 2017/2018
Labor 2020
Richmond, VA USA