Story Sovereignty Collaboration

Marjorie Beaucage is a filmmaker, art-ivist and educator, a land and water protector. Whether in the classroom, community, campsite or the arts, Marjorie’s goal has been to pass on the stories, knowledge and skills that will make a difference for the future. For Marjorie, story is medicine.

She has created over 35 community based videos, including her recent harm reduction video portraits on reducing the harms of colonialism. Her recent book, leave some for the birds- movements for justice is also part of her legacy for the future.

Marjorie has just been awarded the Canada Council for the Arts 2024 Governor General Award for Media Arts for her work in creative documentary.


Dorothy Cucw-la7 Christian, is Secwepemc-Syilx from the interior plateau regions of British Columbia.  Her academic research centralized land, story, cultural protocols and how Indigenous Knowledge informs Indigenous production practices.

Story sovereignty is evident in the productions she created for the film/television industry.  Land sovereignty is prominent in Dorothy’s consciousness.  This journey started long before reconciliation, decolonization, indigenization, equity, diversity, and inclusion became the buzz words in academia.

Dorothy is creating in the literary arts where her graduate research is the writing project that has story sovereignty at its core.


Community of Practice 2025


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DuckLake Canada, Vancouver Canada