Janice Bad Moccasin

Janice Bad Moccasin, tribally enrolled Hunkpati Dakota woman from the Crow Creek Sioux Nation. She serves as a summoned spiritual leader in her Dakota and BIPOC communities in Minnesota and South Dakota. Through martial arts, horse healing wellness, and an artist of creating prayer and empowerment songs in Dakota language. She has reclaimed her sovereign body of creative movement from generation trauma. Janice is an eloquent speaker and presenter on topics of healing, accessing wisdom, spirituality and social justice issues. She is passionately reworking Indigenous practices to create a warrior woman movement with the drums, songs and imagery. Based on natural world relationships and teachings from the horses, buffalo and intercessors of the 4 corners of the universe. Artistically called forward to contribute healing for women on the frontlines of protest, social justice and finding balance in a stressful society. Her creative visionary spirit is currently a work in progress. She will be offering movement workshops with Native American women and BIPOC communities in the Twin Cities.


2024 McKnight Artist Residency Fellow



Shakopee, MN